Unable to perform migration: Unable to find archive metadata. The archive is not valid Plesk backup or has been created in an unsupported Plesk version
- Migration performed from Plesk 18.0.27 or lower to 18.0.27 version failed with the following error:
Failed to import backup dumps to target panel’s repository
Cause: Failed to import backup XML: errcode must be ‘0’ (no errors) or ‘116’ (backup sign error).
Output of pmmcli utility:
<?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“UTF-8"?>
<errmsg>Unable to import file as dump: Import error: Unable to find archive metadata. The archive is not valid Plesk backup or has been created in an unsupported Plesk version</errmsg>
That is a critical error, migration was stopped.
- Additional Apache/nginx directives are not migrated with the following error:
Failed to transfer additional Apache/nginx directives
Migration tools tried to perform operation in 3 attempts: Command LANG=en_US.UTF-8 ALLOW_WEAK_PASSWORDS=1 PLESK_RESTORE_MODE=1 backup_restore_helper --restore-subscription example.com -ignore-nonexistent-options failed with exit code 1:
stderr: Unknown command: --restore-subscription
This is bug addressed in #PMT-4781
To fix migration error, update Plesk Migrator extension:
- Log into Plesk.
- Go to Extensions > Updates > Check Now and update Plesk Migrator to version v2.19.4:
Note: If no updates are shown that means that Plesk Migrator has already been updated. The version can be checked in Extensions > Plesk Migrator
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