Stop using custom php

Stop using custom php.ini in ntPHPselector.

I am writing this post to give an idea about how to use custom php.ini and stop using custom php.ini in ntPHPselector. Since we got some request form some of the customers about the same, so I am adding this as blog for others to check.

How to use custom php.ini

There are several instances that may require you to modify a setting in the php.ini file for your website, such as increasing the PHP upload limit. The customer need to copy the default php.ini ( collect it from the php info page ) and alter the values based on the site requirements.

Some of the disadvantages of using custom php.ini

You lose the ability to select the php version via the control panel, if the version is not specific to the respective php version, it may cause errors.

Any changes we made on the global php.ini will not be reflected on your site

Changes you made to php.ini will not be applied instantly

Some of the web hosts will not allow to use custom php.ini. Since allowing this feature will cause resource usage abuse, which include performance issue with the server too. So they forced to disable this feature.

In ntPHPselector, you can disable the custom php.ini by un commenting the following entries under the section “phprc_paths”. By default, there is no commented entry for 5.3 in the suphp.conf. You need add the following entry manually, since it is compiled by you using ntPHPSelector interface.


; entry related with PHP 5.3

Restart the httpd service and check whether it is loading or not.

If you need further customization to the plugin, you can contact our support and we will help you. Also you can inform us the feature requests or bug reports

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