Speed Up cPanel to cPanel Migration
Normal cPanel migration from cPanel to cPanel takes long time, if the accounts are having high disk usage. We can avoid this time delay by skipping home directory and sync the home directory using rsync command after the migration.
Follow the steps to speed up migration
– Go to Transfer tool
– Give credentials and fetch accounts
– Click on the “home” to skip home directory
– Start the copy of accounts
– Once copying completed, go to terminal and sync home directory of each accounts using following rsync command.
rsync -avz -e'ssh -p $PORT' root@xx.xx.xx.xx:/home/$USER/ /home/$USER/
If the no of accounts are less, you can skip home for the large accounts only. It depends on the no of accounts and the sysadmin’s convenience.
In my experience the above steps will reduce the transfer time 1/3rd or lesser. If the whole transfer takes long time, we need to sync the home directory again to avoid missing mails which are delivered in that interval. Also need to consider syncing the database too.