ntPHPselector : Bug fix #New Line entry error with AddHandler

Bug # New Line entry error with AddHandler

Description: If an htaccess file is not end with a new line the newly added “AddHandler” entry will be append to the end of the last line. The issue is occur with the .htaccess files eithout ending a newline (normally it ends with new line). The bug is fixed in the new version 2.0.4 by adding the AddHandler Entry as new Line. Since there is no major changes, no need to recompile, reinstall the ntphpselector plugin. The old users can fix this bug by running the following commands from root terminal.


cd /usr/local/src
wget -N http://nixtree.com/download/free/ntphp/ntphp_patch204.sh
sh ntphp_patch204.sh

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