What is the reason I get an error during setup?
Error log:
/opt/php_with_imap_client//lib/libc-client.a(osdep.o): In function `ssl_onceonlyinit':
/home/cpeasyapache/src/imap-2007f/c-client/osdep.c:302: warning: the use of `tmpnam' is dangerous, better use `mkstemp'
Generating phar.php
Generating phar.phar
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '/', expecting ')' in /usr/local/src/ntphpselector/php-5.3.29/ext/phar/phar.php on line 20
make: *** [ext/phar/phar.phar] Error 255
Exiting Installation
/bin/cp: `/usr/local/apache/conf/includes/pre_main_global.conf.ntphp.bak' durumlanamadı: No such file or directory
`/opt/suphp/etc/suphp.conf.ntphp.bak' -> `/opt/suphp/etc/suphp.conf'
Please open a new thread at http://nixtree.com/forum/ if you meet with any issues
root@web [/usr/local/src]#
Install Error
cPanel Server Management
@ 30$ Onwards
@ 30$ Onwards
Re: Install Error
This seem like a PHP bug. Can you reproduce the same error with another server?
This seem like a PHP bug. Can you reproduce the same error with another server?